Liza Jennings Seiner-Certified Idea Mapping Instructor

Welcome! I have been using maps in a variety of applications and have created thousands of maps over the last 3 years. I began the journey of discovering the power of visual thinking when I took a mapping course from Jamie Nast and Vanda North in West Palm Beach, Florida. They opened my eyes to the power of expressing thoughts and ideas with color and images.

I’ve had a fondness for imagery ever since I was a kid. My father was a fine commercial artist who was also an animator for Walt Disney in the 1940s. It was there that he learned the power of simple images to convey stories. I’ve been fortunate to become his archivist and biographer, and over the last several years, have studied his drawing style by osmosis.

When I stumbled on Idea Mapping, it filled the gap in my thought process that had been so dependent on words. I had been an estate planning lawyer for a number of years, and struggled to explain complex tax provisions to clients who were just trying to do the right thing for their families after their deaths.

I began using maps to show clients their current estate plan (or lack thereof) and what they could do to accomplish their goals. The maps were instantly understandable and facilitated our process.

Since then, I’ve used mapping in a wide variety of applications, including designing and implementing costume designs for a large high school musical production of “Anything Goes.”

I’ll share more of these things in future postings on this blog.

I hope you enjoy them and can be inspired by the power of idea mapping as I have been.